Mrs. Salamanca

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Noon Meem Rashid Poetry

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Mrs. Salamanca

May the Lord on the Day of Reckoning be my redeemer
For I have seen Mrs. Salamanca's eyes
Mrs. Salamanca's eyes
whose horizons stretch beyond the blue vastness of the southern seas
The blue vastness of the southern sees
The islands of which sparkle in the abundance of morning light
In the sparkling islands are playgrounds of golden and maroon and red birds
Stretched as if the plains of paradise
Birds flexing their wings in the endlessness of eternity!

May the Lord on the Day of Reckoning be my redeemer
For I have planted kisses on Mrs. Salamanca's lips
The kisses the springs of whose sweetness
Lie beyond the drunken gardens
of golden and maroon and red trees of the northern lands
Where, from the breasts of life's fragrant blossoms
Terrified dream-bees suck nectar and sip from that
with whose ecstatic vividness,
beneath the two ends of time's unseen arch,
resound the symphonies of the wetlands of matter and space
The songs of the wetlands with each other entwine
like the lips of Mrs. Salamanca with mine!

May the Lord on the Day of Reckoning be my redeemer
For I have seen
Mrs. Salamanca naked in the bed all night
That neck, those arms, those legs, those breasts
Which heave with the tempests of the southern seas
And effuse the fragrance of the gardens of the northern lands 
Where every moment perfumes and tempests embrace and refrain
The naked body of Mrs. Salamanca
From horizon to horizon as if a grapevine whose
nourishment is the heavenly light and the fruit:
Ecstasy that is truly boundless
Who except the Lord is flawless!

(New York, 29 August 1955)


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